Calendar Events

Sunday | 17h45


Each time we attend Mass, we may notice people taking part in various roles or functions. In doing so, they are participating in “liturgical ministry,” using their talents or “gifts” in service to the parish community.
Very likely you have occasionally seen or heard a plea from your parish to consider offering your services in liturgical ministry. Many of our communities are seeing dwindling involvement in ministry, including lectors, communion ministers, greeters; ushers(hospitality), servers, musicians and singers. This may be due to age, illness, relocation, or other unknown factors.
In response to this reality, a Liturgical Ministry Information Session will be offered to assist and inform those who would like to serve their community in this manner but are unsure of the talents/gifts/skill necessary. The session will be held on May 1st from 7-8:30 p.m. at Holy Family Church.  (This is also open to those already involved who may be questioning or considering a different ministry.) The evening will be facilitated by Deb Gillespie, Liturgy Coordinator for the English parishes of the Archdiocese of Moncton, and Mark Mahoney, Pastoral Associate for St Elizabeth of the Trinity. To register, contact: Deb at, or Mark at or 386-6178.

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