Calendar Events


Nurturing Friendship: the Directory for Catechesis in dialogue with the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti. 

The CCCB Office for Evangelization and Catechesis will offer a four-part webinar series, beginning March 2nd, which will explore how the themes of these two documents call catechists to be people of hope who promote human dignity and communion with God by building bridges and asking, ‘Who is my neighbour?’  … it is important that catechesis and preaching speak more directly and clearly about the social meaning of existence, the fraternal dimension of spirituality, our conviction of the inalienable dignity of each person, and our reasons for loving and accepting all our brothers and sisters. (FT 86).../2

Keynote speakers from across the country will draw insight from the two documents and propose concrete ways to help form communities of missionary disciples within dioceses, eparchies, parishes, and Catholic schools.  The series is designed for those who have responsibility for evangelization and catechesis including, clergy, consecrated persons, laity involved in ministry, directors and coordinators of evangelization and catechesis, and Catholic educators.  The webinar series is offered at no cost to participants; sessions take place on March 2, 9, 16 and 23 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Please click here to access the online registration form, which will also provide information on the keynote speaker and specific topic for each session. The deadline to register is Monday, 22 February 2021. Please note that the webinar recordings will be available on the CCCB website and YouTube channel following the last session on 23 March 2021.

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